“Trust But Verify”

What do you learn after almost 31 years of investigative experience?  You learn the value background investigations can add to your business and personal life.

You learn the importance of what it means to “trust but verify”.

Too many times I have seen relationships that were based on love and trust end in theft and deceit.

A life event such as an engagement, a marriage, a divorce, building a custom home, investing in a business, entering into a business partnership, hiring a nanny, and/or hiring a home care worker for your elderly loved one should each involve background investigations.  It’s wise to know who you are getting involved with before you begin.

Before I married my husband 20 years ago I did a background investigation on him.  I didn’t tell him about it until after we were married.  What was his response?  He laughed and said no one should get married without having one done.

Of course, society has changed so much since then.  Sequim is a retirement community and we have a lot of retirees who are unaware of the predatory nature of some relatives and friends who can easily manipulate and steal from elderly people. Elder abuse is not always just physical: it comes in many forms, and can be emotional and/or financial as well.

In addition, isn’t it important that we know we have a competent doctor, dentist, auto mechanic and private investigator whom we can trust?

If you believe it is a wise step to take to check out people with whom you plan on doing business or becoming involved with at a personal level, you should consider my service to run background investigations for you.  In most cases, the research and report will be between $200 and $500; which can end up saving you tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars later — as well as the grief and stress that come from entering into a relationship/partnership that goes bad.